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Fingerprints and obtaining a TIE card in Spain

February 18th, 2025
You've been approved a residence in Spain? Enhorabuena! It was not in vain that you went through a long process of planning, preparing and waiting for the Extranjería decision. However, when you are approved for a residence in Spain (when presented the application in the Spanish territory), you will NOT get a visa pasted into your passport, but only a paper about the positive decision. So what should you do next?

You need to go to the police to give fingerprints and some documents to get a plastic TIE card. But let's take everything in order.
What is a TIE
TIE is Foreigner Identification Card (Tarjeta de Identidad del Extranjero), which is your official document not only for the right to stay in Spain, but also in the Schengen area. With it, you can travel, as well as leave and enter the Schengen countries for the entire period of validity of the card. It completely replaces the Schengen visa.
TIE and NIE. What's the difference?
NIE is a foreigner's identification NUMBER. It has 2 letters and 7 digits. It is issued to all foreigners. For example, Y2727277M. Students, for example receive it when they receive their resolution on their study visa. This number is indicated in the TIE. However, the number itself is NOT valid without a valid TIE card.

That is, first you receive approval of the residence from Extranjeria. Together with it, you automatically receive a NIE, and then you need to get a TIE.

Obtaining a TIE card.
I. Get an appointment

The documents for TIE are submitted to the police of the region that gave you a positive resolution on your residence permit (for example, students from the city of Valencia can register with the police in Sagunto and Gandia, because these cities are part of the Valencian region).

To register with the police, you need to:
1. Go to the Spanish Government website and select your region https://icp.administracionelectronica.gob.es/icpplus/index.html

Spanish Government website with a system for booking appointments with the Police and Extranjeria
Spanish Government website with a system for booking appointments with the Police and Extranjeria
2. On the next page, in the TRÁMITES CUERPO NACIONAL DE POLICÍA section, select the option TOMA DE HUELLA, EXPEDICIÓN DE TARJETA (fingerprints, card issuance)
Important: You can choose any office offered to you in your region. If you have chosen the TOMA DE HUELLA service, then you don't need to worry, if the chosen police department is the right one
Select the TOMA DE HUELLA option from the POLICIA services
Select the TOMA DE HUELLA option from the POLICIA services
3. Next, if you do not yet have a digital signature (Clave), you can book an appointment ("cita") for the visit and fingerprints WITHOUT it by selecting the appropriate option PRESENTACION SIN CL@VE
If there are no available slots, it means they have already been taken. If there are no slots to register for several days, it means it is better to try to register through those who catch slots for prints (there are companies and individuals who offer these kinds of services).
Choose PRESENTACION SIN CL@VE, if you do not have an electronic signature
Choose PRESENTACION SIN CL@VE, if you do not have an electronic signature
4. Enter your personal data: name and NIE number

5. Select the date and time for the visit
Important: Due to the huge number of requests for a police appointment to obtain a TIE, it may be difficult to catch a cita (in Spanish, "appointment"). You will have to sit for several days, catching an appointment. You can use the services of bots that will tell you when a free place appears, or pay for the services of those who will catch a cita for you (of course, not for free)

Obtaining a TIE.
II. Documents

So, you have a slot. Now you need to prepare the following documents for the visit:

Fill in the document, select the option "TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la authorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores transfronterizos." and sign the document. Pay at the bank, for a example in BBVA or Caixa. You can pay with cash

Obtaining a TIE.
III. Visit to the Police

All that remains is to show up at the police station at the specified time, bring the necessary documents and give fingerprints. After that, you will be given a paper and told how long it will take to return and pick up your TIE card. Usually, the wait for the TIE to be ready is from 30 to 60 days.

At the same time, sometimes you may also need to make an appointment to pick up the card, but this greatly depends on the city and region where you are studying. Therefore, be sure to check this information at the police station.

At some police stations, you also need to make an appointment to pick up the card. To do this, go to the website with slots and select the appropriate department, the option "...RECOGIDA..."
Select the option RECOGIDA DE TARJETA from the POLICIA services
Select the option RECOGIDA DE TARJETA from the POLICIA services
We hope that our article will help you in obtaining a TIE card! We at Liberty Lingvo provide full support in obtaining a student visa in Spain at all stages.

We will also be glad to help you with the Spanish language courses in all the main cities in Spain. Let us know if you need help

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We are an official representative of various Spanish language schools in Spain. Our job is to attract new students to the schools and, in turn, they pay us a commission.

This partnership lets us provide our students with up to 10% discount, which we take from our commission. We send you a unique Promocode that you show at the reception at the School when buying a course.
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